General Introduction

At Ada Lovelace we foster students’ enjoyment of mathematics, developing strong mathematicians who are highly numerate and confident in solving a broad range of problems. Our students know that mathematics is an incredibly important subject, imperative for some of the best university courses and careers. Our students also know that mathematics is a very empowering subject and helps us to understand and appreciate the beauty of the world.

Curriculum Overview

In Key Stage 3 (Years 7-8), students study number, algebra, geometry and statistics over a variety of units. In Key Stage 4 (Years 9-11) students complete their GCSE course, with the most able being prepared fully for the rigour of the A-level course. Some even do an additional qualification (FSMQ). All students learn formal methods and proof, problem solving techniques and how to communicate effectively using mathematical language. The curriculum offer is broad and we will also run a number of extended electives, (e.g. Mathletics, Chess Club, Mathematics Challenge) when Covid-19 restrictions permit. to enrich the mathematical experience of all of our students, whatever their ability.


All students are formally assessed at regular intervals throughout each key stage to ensure they all make excellent progress. There are 4 quarterly exams over the year and a piece of standardised assessed homework following every unit. The quarterly exams are linear (i.e. they cover all topics studied since the start of the course). All results are recorded centrally on Go4Schools and students will receive personalised feedback to help them progress after each assessment and piece of homework. We celebrate progress ahead of attainment and our track record is that, since the opening of Ada Lovelace, students have made exceptional progress in mathematics.

Prep Tasks

Regular practice of new skills and independent work is an essential part of learning mathematics. Students are expected to complete prep tasks after every lesson. This will often be a short piece of practice work based on the content of the previous lesson, or a short task to prepare for the following lesson. These tasks enhance and consolidate pupil learning, and develop the kind of learning habits and routines that will prepare students for A-levels or other further study.

  • Prep tasks may include:
  • Mathematical investigations
  • Memorisation of key vocabulary or mathematical facts
  • Research
  • Exam questions
  • Practice of a mathematical skill

Stretching Students

We expect all students to ‘stretch’ themselves in mathematics so that they can realise their potential. Our curriculum is differentiated into 3 tiers (core, higher and advanced) and each tier has differentiated lesson outcomes to ensure that all students are stretched, regardless of their ability. Exceptional mathematicians may be invited to take part in the national UK Mathematics Challenge (UKMT) – an annual competition for the most able mathematicians.