Careers Information, Advice & Guidance at Ada Lovelace:

Ada Lovelace C of E High School is committed to preparing students for future success in education, employment and training. Our comprehensive Careers programme uses the Gatsby Benchmarks & The Baker Clause to develop and improve our Careers provision and enable a range of education and training providers to regularly engage with all students across Year 7-13. Within our Careers programme, all students receive unbiased and impartial information about potential next steps and high quality careers guidance. We aim to provide high quality, meaningful opportunities for students to encounter the world of work and teach students a range of employability skills to ensure they have a successful future in the workplace. Our vision for Careers supports our whole school ethos (John 10:10) of nurturing students unique gifts, skills and talents and ensuring students enjoy ‘life in all its fullness’ and engage positively with their future life choices.

Careers Leadership at Ada Lovelace:

The Careers Leader at Ada Lovelace is Miss Hannah Marr (Inclusion & Intervention) and Miss Powell (Head of Year 10). As a school, all staff including Teachers, Tutors, Support Staff, Heads of Year, Heads of Department and Senior Leadership Team are committed to supporting our careers programme.

The contact details for Careers & Work Experience are:

Both our school website and Copia contain regular updates about our Careers programme including events, opportunities, talks and Careers Bulletins.

Supporting Ada Lovelace's Careers Programme:

If you or a family member or friend are a business or employer, education or training provider and could support Ada Lovelace with our Careers programme (including Work Experience placements, Careers talks, networking opportunities) please do contact us as we are always looking to expand our network of employers and education providers. We are particularly looking for further Work Experience opportunities, Internships and Career talks in Hospitality, Medicine, Research and Languages industries; if you are able to offer any support with these areas, please do get in touch.

Careers Guidance in schools - Statutory Frameworks:

In December 2017, the Department for Education (DfE) published a new Careers Strategy for secondary schools followed by statutory guidance in January 2018. Schools must have an appointed Careers Leader and a Careers Information, Advice & Guidance (CIAG) Programme for each academic year. By September 2020 schools should be meeting the Eight Gatsby Benchmarks (outlined below):

The Gatsby Benchmarks:

1. A stable careers programme

2. Learning from career and labour market information

3. Addressing the needs of each pupil

4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

5. Encounters with employers and employees

6. Experiences of workplaces

7. Encounters with further and higher education

8. Personal guidance

The Baker Clause:

In January 2018, the DfE also introduced ‘The Baker Clause’ as an amendment to the Technical and Further Education Act 2017. The Baker Clause stipulates that schools must allow colleges and training providers access to every student in years 8- 13 to discuss non-academic routes that are available to them. It is expected that by doing so this will help address the UK’s productivity challenges and address skills shortages experienced across several sectors of the economy.

To ensure we are compliant with The Baker Clause, we have developed excellent links & partnerships with the following organisations & providers, who regularly run assemblies, talks, small group sessions & workshops for our students:

  • IBM P-TECH link is supporting CIAG through careers information and access to work experience placements
  • IBM Skills Build online learning platform is supporting Year 10 students with employability skills through online courses on topics such as Professional Skills
  • Code Avengers - all students in Years 7-9 complete Self-Guided Learning through the Code Avengers platform, allowing them to develop technical skills and an ability to learn independently online
  • West London College to ensure students are aware of alternative routes post-16
  • Other local colleges (Including Brentford FC Post 16 Football Education Programme, Capel Manor, Kingston College)
  • ASK Programme (Apprenticeship, Support & Knowledge)
  • Partner of InvestIN (Immersive career programmes for 12-18 year olds, free bursary places for Pupil Premium students available)
  • Links with Countryside (A construction company based in Acton)
  • Xello - online Career platform for all Y7-13 students (this provides students with a variety of different pathways into an industry)
  • YEP (Youth Employability Partnership) Supporting students with employment skills and at risk of NEET

Quality Assurance within our Careers provision:

The quality of a school’s Career provision will be based on:

  • How the curriculum extends beyond the academic, technical and vocational
  • The Broader development of students; enabling students to discover interests and talents
  • How students are prepared for future success in their next steps
  • How schools promote an inclusive environment that meets the needs of all students

In order to regularly evaluate our Careers provision, we complete a compass tool once per year, which provides information about how we are achieving against the Gatsby Benchmarks. Our most recent Compass evaluation in November 2024 showed that we are making excellent progress with meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks:

We are confident that our Careers provision is wide ranging, inclusive and diverse. Within our Pastoral Programme, Wider learning offer, Curriculum and additional Careers IAG provisions, we feel that we are giving students the right support, knowledge and skills to be successful in their future at Ada Lovelace and beyond.

As always, we are open to receiving feedback & suggestions for further ways to continue to develop & refine our Careers programme.

Miss H Marr

CIAG Lead and Head of Inclusion & Intervention

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 020 3540  0200

This page will next be reviewed and updated September 2025.

Ada Lovelace Careers Programme

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Year 10 Post 16 Career Options

Updated: 15/11/2023 714 KB

Careerometer and Skillsometer provide an easy way to get access to labour market information.


Careerometer can be used to explore and compare key information about occupations, help you learn about different occupations and identify potential careers. It provides access to a selection of UK headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects for different occupations, as well as description of the occupation. Simply type in the title of the job you are interested in and the widget provides a series of options from which you can select the most relevant to you. You can then look up another two occupations and compare. You can also select ‘display the UK average’ and compare the information with the occupation you have selected.


Skillsometer can help you  discover what jobs you might like to do in the future. You will be presented with a series of statements. Select the emoji which shows how you feel about each statement. You will then be given suggestions of jobs linked to what you most enjoy doing. For each job, you will be presented with some headline UK data.


To view the Twyford CofE Academies Trust full careers policy please refer to the Wider Learning and Information, Advice and Guidance Policy below.

Wider Learning and Information, Advice and Guidance Policy

Updated: 09/12/2021 839 KB

The Twyford CofE Academies Trust Provider Access Policy sets out circumstances in which providers of technical education and apprenticeships will be given access to Year 8-13 pupils.

Provider Access Policy

Updated: 25/06/2024 176 KB

The Twyford CofE Academies Trust Work Experience Policy sets out responsibilities and arrangements for work experience.

Work Experience Policy

Updated: 11/01/2024 283 KB

Year 10 Post 16 Career Options

Updated: 15/11/2023 714 KB

Twyford CofE Academies Trust Post-16 Pathways

Ada Lovelace offers T Levels for students post-16 from September 2023.

Further information about the Post-16 offer in other schools within the Twyford CofE Academies Trust can be found on the Trust website.

Year 10 Work Experience

Year 10 Work Experience advice is available with Mr Cahill for students who require assistance with contacts and placements, as well as assistance with their CVs and cover letters.  
Application forms must be completed by your placement main contact. If the company or programme you are applying to requires consent for under 16+ pupils, a waiver form must be completed which can be found on our Copia site.

If you have any contacts, or are able to provide work experience for any of our Year 10 students, please do get in touch.

Queries can be directed to [email protected]

Work Experience

Updated: 09/03/2024 812 KB
Updated: 10/03/2022 13 KB
Updated: 10/03/2022 20 KB