About Us
Ada Lovelace PTA is the Ada Lovelace C of E High School – Parent Teacher Association.
All parents, carers, teachers and students of Ada Lovelace High School are automatically members of the PTA.
We aim to foster a spirit of community at Ada Lovelace and raise money for our students' journey through the school.
We are a new PTA – established in September 2022. We recently registered as a charity (Number 1202208) We plan that 100% of the profits that we raise from our fund raising activities will be used to issue charitable grants to the school to pay for a variety of educational equipment, services and programmes.
Please help us by coming along to our events. They are great fun! Also consider offering some of your time to support what we do. It can be as little as an hour a year, or more if you can. From charity trustee through to event day volunteer, there is role to suit everyone.
Please find below the PTA impact Report:
PTA Achievements
The Ada Lovelace PTA is founded based on the ParentKind PTA Constitution.
PTA Constitution (Parent Kind)
Support us on Easyfundraising
Follow us on Instagram
For more information or to volunteer please contact the PTA via email
PTA Events Calendar
PTA Uniform Sale
The Ada Lovelace PTA run second hand uniform shops several times through the school year. We sell all items of school uniform, including school-approved trainers, coats, blazer buttons and teal thread. We can accept donations of clean, good quality pre-loved uniform items at any time via the school office. For our uniform sale dates, please see our event calendar above.
PTA Newsletters
PTA Meeting Minutes