At Ada Lovelace CofE High School keeping children and young people safe from harm is our number one priority. The procedures we follow have been laid down by the Ealing Area Child Protection Committee.

If you have a Safeguarding concern, please email the following address: [email protected]

Families should be aware that Safeguarding (Child Protection) concerns will become the responsibility of one of the following Safeguarding Officers:

Staff Member



Mr R Halton

Designated Safeguarding Lead

[email protected]

Miss H Marr

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

[email protected]

Ms J Adler

Safeguarding Officer

[email protected]

Miss M Bryant

Safeguarding Officer

[email protected]

Miss M Powell

Safeguarding Officer

[email protected]

Mr G Green

Safeguarding Officer

[email protected]

Mr P Cahill

Safeguarding Officer

[email protected]

Ms H Khan

Safeguarding Officer

[email protected]



For details of the Safeguarding team, including photographs of the designated safeguarding teachers, please see below:

Safeguarding Team

Updated: 29/08/2024 1.33 MB

You can view our Child Protection Policy below:

Child Protection Policy

Updated: 12/09/2024 1.41 MB

Useful information to help keep children safer online is contained within our Online Safety Policy:

Online Safety Policy

Updated: 12/09/2024 374 KB

Safeguarding policies and practices comply with all national requirements and additional policies can be found in Key Trust Policies.

Please read the documents below for further information.

Mental Health and Well-Being

Updated: 10/03/2022 1.81 MB
Updated: 10/03/2022 236 KB

Safeguarding Resources

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Updated: 10/03/2022 983 KB
Updated: 10/03/2022 370 KB
Updated: 10/03/2022 358 KB
Updated: 10/03/2022 3.82 MB
Updated: 23/11/2022 517 KB
Updated: 11/01/2023 158 KB

Childline link on Gun and Knife Crime