We are delighted to welcome your family to the Ada Lovelace Church of England High School community. All inductions are facilitated by our Admissions Department who can be contacted [email protected]

Before reviewing any induction information, please read the Twyford Academies Trust Privacy Notice for Students and Parents.

Privacy Notice for Students and Parents

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We may need to update this privacy notice for Pupils/Parents periodically so we recommend that you revisit this information from time to time. This version was last updated November 2023 and is Appendix A of the Data Protection and Confidentiality Policy.

Please read through each section of this page carefully for all key information relevant to your child's induction to Ada Lovelace.

You are required to review the following mandatory documentation prior to your induction meeting and bring to the meeting signed for our records:

Mandatory documentation

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New Year 7 parents in September 2024 should note that universal free school meals do not currently extend to secondary schools. It is therefore strongly recommended that you check your eligibility and register for free school meals if you qualify.

Induction Resources

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Trust Policies

Shortly after accepting an offer of a place at Ada Lovelace, we invite your family (parent(s)/carer(s) and child) to the School to meet a member of our Senior Leadership team to discuss their transition process from their current school to Ada Lovelace.

You are required to review the following mandatory documentation prior to your induction meeting and bring to the meeting signed for our records:

Mandatory documentation for all Parents & Carers to submit to the Admissions Department:

Mandatory documentation

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To register your child for enrolment onto the School Information Managements System (SIMS), we require the following details: basic pupil information, sibling (if applicable), parental consent, family home/contact, ethnic/cultural, medical and current school. The profile provides guidance notes and a review of our data protection notice prior to beginning the profile.

Emergency Contact and Welfare Profile

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To complete the profile you will need the following information to hand:

  • Photocopy of the pupil's passport and birth certificate (PDF or JPEG format)
  • Current/previous school's address and contact information
  • GP or allergy specialist clinic address and contact information

And if applicable:

  • Medical prescriptions (including valid expiry dates)
  • Electronic copy of any EHC plan and/or SEN recent, relevant professional reports concerning your child, such as occupational therapy, speech therapy, educational psychology, specialist teacher, CAHMS, etc. (PDF or JPEG format)

The Emergency Contact & Welfare Profile must be completed by all parents and carers prior to your child's start date: https://twyfordacademies.org.uk/welfare



Regardless of the severity of your child’s condition or medical needs, we require your child’s medicine on-site on the first day of school. Parents must provide the school with necessary in-date medication, in its original packaging with chemist labelling with dosage instructions and expiry date information. May we remind parents that pupils must always carry their own in date medication in school at all times, this includes asthma inhalers/ spacers and  2 adrenaline auto-injectors. The School is able to supervise the administering of prescribed and non- prescribed medication. If medication is temporary, a form is to be completed with full details.

If your son/daughter has any additional needs, please advise us of this before your induction meeting so we can be as prepared as possible to meet their needs before their start date. Please ensure that you bring to the interview a photocopy of any recent, relevant professional reports concerning your son/daughter, such as occupational therapy, speech therapy, educational psychology, specialist teacher, CAHMS etc. to be discussed with the leadership team.



School Office & Reception - [email protected] to report school absences and for all general queries

Data Team - [email protected] / [email protected] to report change in personal/contact details, residential address or updates regarding health and welfare

Student Services [email protected] for information on ParentPay setup, user/login data, instructions regarding usage and school locker rentals

Music College - [email protected] for information on current and future instrumentation tuition availability

Learning & Inclusion - [email protected] for queries relating to pupils who require additional support